so pra falar que eu vou passar a proxima semana nas montanhas com a familia :)
vou amanha de manha e volto no proximo sabado, entao vou sumir por um tempinho, mas volto com muitas noticias e fotos! :D
cortei cabelo hoje, entao novas fotos com novo visu :)
beijos beijos
sexta-feira, 25 de julho de 2008
Grüezi Mittenand!!
heeej lovely people, how's it going?
know i said i'd write a while ago, but this week has just been craaaaazy :D both good and bad. it was a full week, since the mom, who normally stays with me, had about a thousand of errands to run, which means that I'm alone with the kids!! plus they're sick -.-
anyway, don't even know what to tell :) last week we had a couple of dinners to go, which was so nice since i got to really see the culture here, including food! which was pretty good :D plus, the tradition of champagne and wines is pretty nice. had a blast, really :)
there's also a brazilian here, who's married to a german guy and is pretty good friends with Bia (gotta stop calling her "the mom" right) and they came over for dinner... last saturday, which was great too, she's hilarious :D she talks the whoooole time. don't i miss brazilians' way of living sometimes!
saturday i also went out here, or more around town, a couple of bars, so i could see the city at night :) it was greeeat. would have been better if i knew the people i was with, but i met a lot of people that night too =)
sundays it's a tradition that the family goes to the grandparents place for dinner (the place i sleep at), when we got there Dorothy told me another lady, who is 98 years old was supposed to come to, but apparently you tell her something and the other day she already forgot haha so she forgot to com on sunday!! plus, i had one of the best times here in Zürich till now :) and one of the best pies EVER :D the grandpa's dad worked in a bakery, so he knows how to fix all the perfect pies.
last week i was also pretty sick, so it was kinda bad, cuz i still had to work, but just didn't wanna do anything else... so i went to the doc :D haha and found out just TOO MUCH of their medications habits here. which no, i won't get used to it. But this week I'm much better :) talked to otie on her birthday, and to jenn on her birthday too, and that was just lovely. got jihjin's letters and that was also a highpoint! oh and also, Bia took her driving test, and she passed!!!! :D :D not before a drama, and telling she didn't, and a whole theater, which is pretty much like her haha
the twins also got vaccinated yesterday morning (thursday) so they were "touchy", which they were allowed to be of course, but it's tiring... the nice doctor also said in the exact words that "i think you're great with the kids, the family made a great choice" HAHA and i just smiled, embarassed :P but it's nice to hear.. she's a nice doctor (don't say anything about it pico ;) )
hmmm the grandma saw me with toothpaste on my forehead the other day too, and slaped me :O and i'm like: WHAT?! and she said: it's a bug! and i laughed hahah and said it was toothpaste :P well. the toothpaste was needed up there, so it was used. on sunday i also found out the coke stock the grandpa keeps in the cellar :O it was craaaaazy, they asked me to go get tea, and there were 3 whole shelves of cokes on a wall, then i came up and he said he needs his coke everyday haha and i'm like yeah, then we have that in common.. so he said that now i'm allowed to use it! :D his stock haha and he said he doesn't like "the light stuff" ;)
had a free afternoon this week, so i went shopping. i don't have to say anything else haha
and got my hair cut today. but i won't mention it. i don't know how i still leave the house -.- the crazy lady cut my bangs like a 10 years old!!!! aaahhhhhh hahahaha i have to laugh cuz man :P
anyway... i already forgot everything i wanted to say :) so i'll just say that this week i'm going to the alps, for a family holiday. am excited :) and if you wanna know anything ask :P cuz it's easier for me to remember what to write haha
So, even though I'll be out for a while, keep in touch, write something, sms, email whatevs, it's always nice to see it when i'm back.
have a great week! take care
ttyl! :)
know i said i'd write a while ago, but this week has just been craaaaazy :D both good and bad. it was a full week, since the mom, who normally stays with me, had about a thousand of errands to run, which means that I'm alone with the kids!! plus they're sick -.-
anyway, don't even know what to tell :) last week we had a couple of dinners to go, which was so nice since i got to really see the culture here, including food! which was pretty good :D plus, the tradition of champagne and wines is pretty nice. had a blast, really :)
there's also a brazilian here, who's married to a german guy and is pretty good friends with Bia (gotta stop calling her "the mom" right) and they came over for dinner... last saturday, which was great too, she's hilarious :D she talks the whoooole time. don't i miss brazilians' way of living sometimes!
saturday i also went out here, or more around town, a couple of bars, so i could see the city at night :) it was greeeat. would have been better if i knew the people i was with, but i met a lot of people that night too =)
sundays it's a tradition that the family goes to the grandparents place for dinner (the place i sleep at), when we got there Dorothy told me another lady, who is 98 years old was supposed to come to, but apparently you tell her something and the other day she already forgot haha so she forgot to com on sunday!! plus, i had one of the best times here in Zürich till now :) and one of the best pies EVER :D the grandpa's dad worked in a bakery, so he knows how to fix all the perfect pies.
last week i was also pretty sick, so it was kinda bad, cuz i still had to work, but just didn't wanna do anything else... so i went to the doc :D haha and found out just TOO MUCH of their medications habits here. which no, i won't get used to it. But this week I'm much better :) talked to otie on her birthday, and to jenn on her birthday too, and that was just lovely. got jihjin's letters and that was also a highpoint! oh and also, Bia took her driving test, and she passed!!!! :D :D not before a drama, and telling she didn't, and a whole theater, which is pretty much like her haha
the twins also got vaccinated yesterday morning (thursday) so they were "touchy", which they were allowed to be of course, but it's tiring... the nice doctor also said in the exact words that "i think you're great with the kids, the family made a great choice" HAHA and i just smiled, embarassed :P but it's nice to hear.. she's a nice doctor (don't say anything about it pico ;) )
hmmm the grandma saw me with toothpaste on my forehead the other day too, and slaped me :O and i'm like: WHAT?! and she said: it's a bug! and i laughed hahah and said it was toothpaste :P well. the toothpaste was needed up there, so it was used. on sunday i also found out the coke stock the grandpa keeps in the cellar :O it was craaaaazy, they asked me to go get tea, and there were 3 whole shelves of cokes on a wall, then i came up and he said he needs his coke everyday haha and i'm like yeah, then we have that in common.. so he said that now i'm allowed to use it! :D his stock haha and he said he doesn't like "the light stuff" ;)
had a free afternoon this week, so i went shopping. i don't have to say anything else haha
and got my hair cut today. but i won't mention it. i don't know how i still leave the house -.- the crazy lady cut my bangs like a 10 years old!!!! aaahhhhhh hahahaha i have to laugh cuz man :P
anyway... i already forgot everything i wanted to say :) so i'll just say that this week i'm going to the alps, for a family holiday. am excited :) and if you wanna know anything ask :P cuz it's easier for me to remember what to write haha
So, even though I'll be out for a while, keep in touch, write something, sms, email whatevs, it's always nice to see it when i'm back.
have a great week! take care
ttyl! :)
domingo, 20 de julho de 2008
Guten Tag :)
Como estao todos? bem espero eu! eu estou muito bem, obrigada, melhorando da grande e terrivel gripe que eu tive essa semana.
Eu diria realmente que foi a Paula haha que me passou (tadinha) mas deve ter sido a mudanca de tempo repentina... foi braba viu. pra quem nao fica gripada no inverno da suecia, ficar gripada no verao da suica e uma vergonha haha mas eu continuei aqui com os gemeos ja que a paula tambem tav gripada (muito melhor agora) e o rafi tava com um virus parece, que tava dando prisao de ventre nele ai ele gritaaaava como nunca havia gritado antes de dor de barriga =/
mas os dois foram ao medico e foi tudo resolvido, medico de novo 5a agora :)
mas por causa da gripe essa semana eu fiquei tao pra baixo, quase na fazia nada, 3a 4a e 5a passaram voando mesmo, mas ainda assim foi uma semana e tanto!
2a teve jantar na casa do pai da namorada do irmao do Ueli (haha que historia de pipoqueiro ne!) e foi sem nocao de bom!!! comi muuuuuito haha super chique :) ou nao na verdade, mas a casa tinha 5 andares em si.. ai eramos nos,os pais do Ueli, os pais dela, os irmaos dela com suas respectivas companhias, entao foi bem agradavel! foi numa cidade chamada Eggenwil, que era ate outro estado. a casa era linda, linda, com um jardim, horta, piscina, um vista que meu Deus. ai teve champagne, com o famoso prost olhando nos olhos :) e entrada com paes deliciosos, e a comida e vinho, e sobremesa, 4 tipos de torta, ate rocambole! e depois ainda cafe e cha. tudo a luz de velas. e teve ainda aqueles negocios que voce acende e ele explode e saem milhares de coisas de dentro com uma explosao e eu quase cai do banco de tanto susto haha e a Bia ate hoje nao me deixa esquecer isso :P no fim chegamos em casa quase meia noite, estava exausta mesmo.
na terca fomos ao lago, comemos no Mcdonalds :D e andamos a bahnhofstrasse de cabo a rabo :D comemos sorvete italiano (eu comi de bananaaa) e fomos em lojas tipicas suica :) tava 29graus na 3a mas eu estava com um pouco de febre, entao quando cheguei em casa sentei no sofa e passei o resto do dia la..ganhei ate pao de queijo, por estar doente :D assim a semana continuou :)
ontem, sabado, eu acordei as 11, fiquei na cama ateee as 2 (QUE SONHO) e decidi acordar pra vida mas tava uma chuva!! ai tivemos visita em casa, a Carina, outra mineira casada com um alemao, e o marido vieram, e ela fez uma torta de cereja que toooodo mundo merece :D mas ai foi otimo tambem, ela faaaaaala que fala, entao quando junta com a Bia e sempre otimo haha
a noite eu dei uma volta na cidade tambem, ver Zürich a noite ne :) voltei pra casa tarde. sabado e sabado!
hoje passei o dia lendo tambem, estou lendo codigo da vinci de novo, sou apaixonada com esse livro, ai sentei la de fora aproveitei o sol, mas ai comecou a chover (claro. tipico pais europeu MESMO haha) e daqui a pouco eles voltam pro lanche da tarde :)
essa semana nao ha nada de muito especial, amanha devo ficar sozinha com o gemeos, o que e sempre mais trabalhoso ne, mas ja fiquei algumas vezes entao tem ido bem :)
to gostando muito daqui, da pra entender porque dizem tudo de bom de zurique! mesmo que nao haja muito tempo pra fazer minhas coisas tem que aproveitar quando tem!
Paulette :)
Na beira do rioo, onde o povo pula da ponte atras :O /By the river :)
suico e tudo doido, essa e a minha conclusao ate agora.. acho que eu ainda nao sou sueca o bastante pra ficar tao feliz assim com o sol!! neguin na beira do rio :D / haha i said swiss people tend to be crazy ;) it gets 3 times as crowded normally, perfect for a hot day. by the river, on the way home. where they have beach volley and all, i just love going there!
sorrisos e buxexas :D
jardim da casa :) e esse apartamento rosa na direita, e no 1o andar e na esquina da rua! rosinha haha e essa e a Bia :) / Bia and I outside the apartment, it's the one to the right on he pic,it's pink! :)
isso e isso mesmo,
vou fazer pipoca que amanha ja e segunda novamente ne :P espero que tenham gostado do post!
Beijos Beijos <3
domingo, 13 de julho de 2008
Free weekends ;)
Pessoas do meu Brasil, nao precisa ler, e uma versao em ingles do escrito abaixo :D (que e o que voces devem ler hehe) (complicacao ne, se pa comeco a escrever junto, pra nao dar isso... aneem)
so, an english version of it :) and no, don't even ask to write it in swedish. plus pico, yours was in swedish, and i commented even then, which is why i dont get the whole complaining, no -.-
but :D so, the first post i mentioned about the family, the house :) how i'm gonna be here till September, as an au pair for 5months old twins :D Paula and Rafael. They're actually the opposite of each other, which is adorable! paula is blonde and has blue eyes, while rafael is brunette (well. they don't have THAT much hair :P but the differences are indeed apparent) and has darker skin and eyes :) it's easier to say he's brazilian and she's swiss ;) plus, while paula talks the whooole time, cries whenever, and just doesn't wanna lie down, rafael is calm like there's no tomorow, doesnt cry at all, and is so sensible :) its sweet, really. even though you know, they're now holding they're neck up, so they don't do much hehe and sleep about 50% of the time (they also eat, complain, look at the leaves, put their little hands around my finger and hold so tight :) plus numbers 1 and 2, obviously) but yeah :)
so as previously mentioned, the family is Bia (mom, Brazilian), Ueli (dad, Swiss) and Helena, the 8years old daughter who just got out of school for summer break and likes to play the whooole time. It's pretty much so I won't miss my brothers hehe, nooo i still miss them. (you know...) And i'm staying at the grandparents place, which is across the sreet and about 2 min from here, if you run haha so i get to have my own room, which is in the pics below, on the portuguese version of this post :P they're lovely :) they are so active! the grandmother is going to India to help poor people in November! and the grandpa plays the cello hehe so i wake up everyday at 7 with him practicing.. the first day i got there there were 3 little swiss chocolates on my pillow :)
almost the best part of being here haha it's peeeeerfect
wel, when i'm not with the babies, i tend to go around town :) which is just beautiful, an it's been so hot lately, about 30 degrees everyday... except yesterday, that rained, but still :D and the people are kinda crazy... maybe i'll mention that later haha but everyone is really nice.
but i'm lazy and dont wanna write anymore right now, so you'll live with this and i'll tell about the city later, cuz its seriously worth it, and i cant wait to tell all i found out about the festivals parades concerts and clubs :D haha
hope you can comment, apparently it was kinda complicated before, but now just press nome/url and put your name haha :P
ttyl people :)
so, an english version of it :) and no, don't even ask to write it in swedish. plus pico, yours was in swedish, and i commented even then, which is why i dont get the whole complaining, no -.-
but :D so, the first post i mentioned about the family, the house :) how i'm gonna be here till September, as an au pair for 5months old twins :D Paula and Rafael. They're actually the opposite of each other, which is adorable! paula is blonde and has blue eyes, while rafael is brunette (well. they don't have THAT much hair :P but the differences are indeed apparent) and has darker skin and eyes :) it's easier to say he's brazilian and she's swiss ;) plus, while paula talks the whooole time, cries whenever, and just doesn't wanna lie down, rafael is calm like there's no tomorow, doesnt cry at all, and is so sensible :) its sweet, really. even though you know, they're now holding they're neck up, so they don't do much hehe and sleep about 50% of the time (they also eat, complain, look at the leaves, put their little hands around my finger and hold so tight :) plus numbers 1 and 2, obviously) but yeah :)
so as previously mentioned, the family is Bia (mom, Brazilian), Ueli (dad, Swiss) and Helena, the 8years old daughter who just got out of school for summer break and likes to play the whooole time. It's pretty much so I won't miss my brothers hehe, nooo i still miss them. (you know...) And i'm staying at the grandparents place, which is across the sreet and about 2 min from here, if you run haha so i get to have my own room, which is in the pics below, on the portuguese version of this post :P they're lovely :) they are so active! the grandmother is going to India to help poor people in November! and the grandpa plays the cello hehe so i wake up everyday at 7 with him practicing.. the first day i got there there were 3 little swiss chocolates on my pillow :)
almost the best part of being here haha it's peeeeerfect
wel, when i'm not with the babies, i tend to go around town :) which is just beautiful, an it's been so hot lately, about 30 degrees everyday... except yesterday, that rained, but still :D and the people are kinda crazy... maybe i'll mention that later haha but everyone is really nice.
but i'm lazy and dont wanna write anymore right now, so you'll live with this and i'll tell about the city later, cuz its seriously worth it, and i cant wait to tell all i found out about the festivals parades concerts and clubs :D haha
hope you can comment, apparently it was kinda complicated before, but now just press nome/url and put your name haha :P
ttyl people :)
Final de semana de folga :D
Oi todo mundo :)
entao, ja percebi que eu vou ser um rolo pra atualizar esse blog haha da muito trabalho por foto.. mas como e legal vale a pena ne.
Seguinte, comecar explicando como que faz o comentario, que agora eu troquei as configuraoes que eu nao sabia que existiam etao agora e so colocar naquele nome/url, que ai da tranquilo! entao agora nao tem mais desculpinhaas :P
hoje e domingo (pe de cachimbo) e eu, como teu meus lindos finais de semana de folga, fiquei em casa enquanto a familia Degen foi a um brunch na casa de amigos. eu ia tambem, mas eu tava com um bocado de coisas pra arrumar ne, entao era melhor ficar aqui e arrumar de uma vez porque chega semana e e nenem pra todo lado :)
Mas ai ontem eu ate ja acordei as 9:30 olha que luxo :D descobri que toda 2a e 6a os gemeos dormem na casa dos avos, entao eu dormi aqui na casa da familia mesmo :) que bonitinho ne, eles dormem la pra passar tempo juntos! ai ontem eu fui ao cebrac, um centro brasileiro, que tinha filmes e livros em portugues, e a Bia alugou uma minisserie. tem ate cinema la dentro!
e a gente deu uma super volta de carro na cidade, e eles me levaram nos grandes pontos daqui. de carro ne, e era a noite, mas foi bom dar uma volta pra me localizar! e fizemos altos planos, pra restaurantes, clubes, nadar no lago igual aos doidoes que a gente viu pulando da ponte, uns 20 metros! (eu ainda pulo) (ahh eu tinha fotos, mas ta na outra camera,ai eu mostro depois) tem o jardim chines, e tem as igrejas, inclusive uma com o maior relogio de igreja da europa haha e grande mesmo!
mas zürich ganhou pelo segundo ano o premio de melhor cidade pra se morar, e da pra perceber mesmo, a variedade de coisas aqui e otima! e as montanhas, lagos, as casinhas.. na verdade aqui ate me lembrou um pouco do rio, o que me deixa feliz :)
e eu fui na Maria :D :D e comi 2 quibes e 2 coxinhas com uma lata de guarana antartica! e encontramos vaarios brasileiros, inclusive baianos haha que saudade do sotaque, ne familia baiana?!ja percebi que vou passar muito tempo laaa.. haha
outra coisa foi que eu fiquei sabendo de umas festas, paradas, e desfiles que acontecem aqui, que zürich tambem e capital de shows e essas coisas :) dia 1 de agosto e dia nacional da cidade e ai tem tudo! inclusive uma versao da Love Parade, de Berlin, que eu mal posso esperar :D haha
o quarto de outro angulo..
essa caixa no chao foi um caca tesouro que a helena fez e eu ganhei um tanto de bala :D
os pequenos dormindo, unica hora que da pra tirar foto haha
e Paula :)
Eu e a Helena no dia qu eu cheguei :) a gente tava jantando, e pra comer era um prato bm Suico que chama Raclette :D queijo (claro) com outras coisas por cima.. como eu disse queijo aqui e o que nao falta ne! olha eu de blusa de botao e golinha tambem, seguindo opiniao do meu empresario ne ;) causar uma boa primeira impressao.. nem precisei mostrar autorizcao da alfandega :) deu certo!
mas deu pra perceber que tao os 2 mais ou menos sempre de rosa e azul? e uma coisa viu, te contar. :P e e tao engracado, porque os 2 sao tao diferentes, e nem so fisicamente. o que a paula e agitada e nao para de falar, o rafi e quieto, ri pra todo mundo, e quase nao chora :) e a paula e loira do olho azul e o rafi moreno, do cabelo moreno e olho escuro! haha o motivo de eu receber olhares estranhos toda vez que eu e a bia saimos,ja que a paula parece minha filha, e o rafi filho dela :) haha
aaahh depois eu coloco fotos da familia, e dos lugares aqui :)
aaahh depois eu coloco fotos da familia, e dos lugares aqui :)
Mas e isso por hoje :)
espero que todos tenham tido uma boa semanaa e final de semana tambem!
Beijos beijos
quinta-feira, 10 de julho de 2008
Primeira troca..
Oi todo mundo :)
entao, tao pratico esse negocio de blog ne, ai eu posso falar pra voces tuuudo que eu quero pra todos ao mesmo tempo!
e fotos tambem..
e fotos tambem..
mas, pra quem nao sabe, estou em Zürich, na Suica (duh) de au pair pra dois gemeos lindos, a Paula e o Rafael, 5meses!
ou seja, o que eles fazem inclui comer,dormir, olhar pro teto, pegar meu dedo e por na boca, olhar a luz como se fosse de outro mundo e claaaaro, numero 1 e 2 ne hehe e nao e que eu ja troquei eles :D tao orgulhosa! nem com o pl e o jv eu fazia isso ne :P deixava as honras para os adultos.. bem.
mas e isso, a familia e a Bia (mae), Ueli (pai) e a Helena (filha de 8 anos), e eu to dormindo na casa dos pais do Ueli, o Peter e a Dorothy, que moram do outro lado da rua porque ai eu tenho um quarto so pra mim :) haha eles sao uma gracinha, ela fala meio portugues meio ingles, e ele so fala ingles e alemao.. e ele toca cello! ai eu acordo todo dia as 7 com ele tocando..
minha primeira noite la eles foram me explicar como abrir e fechar a janela (que tem 2 chaves e foi feita para nao ser aberta..serio) ai a Dorothy me falou "nao se preocupe, voce nao sera roubada!" e deu um super sorriso! haha ri muito.
quando eu cheguei aqui, na 3a, o Ueli, que pelo visto e muuuito devagar e esquecido, tinha me esquecido no aeroporto :P haha mas ai depois de um tempo eu fui ligar pra ele ne, so que ai ele tinha chegado e contou que achava que eu chegava na 4a!! imagina ne..
Ontem a Bia me levou pra conhecer aqui perto, entao fomos na Bahnhof Strasse, que e a rua mais cara do mundo, aparentemente ;) HAAAA mae olha eu na rua mais cara do mundo :D :D haha ai a gente andou a beira do lago/rio e tinha gente jogando volei de areia e tudo!mas como nos estavamos com os gemeos a gente deu uma volta rapida.. depois eu volto la pra andar ate o final da rua, e do lago.. e tem os museus que parece ser interessantes, e a grande igreja tambem :) mas ai a gente ve que que da! e ah, todos voces que falam que eu nao faco exercicio: 2 meses carregando carrinho nessas ladeiras aqui e exercicio demais viu ;)
hoje a gente vai na Maria, que e uma brasileira com um bar brasileiro que tem salgados, torta, docinho, suco, vitamina :D sem contar nas comidas,ate feijoada!! mal posso esperar..
mas to aqui com uma folguinha porque os dois dormiram e eu ja arrumei tudo, e daqui a pouco e almoco e a Helena chega da escola, entao vou aproveitar pra lavar o cabelo, que nao deu tempo hoje de manha :)
Mas pessoas, se voces nao comentarem, eu nao escrevo :P haha entao fala algo :) nem que seja pra dizer parabens por ter trocado fralda ;) Depois eu coloco fotos da familia, que eu ainda nao tive tempo de descarregar nada..
Abaixo tambem esta o endereco daqui, e o telefone da casa, se quiser ligar so me fala aqui antes pra eu falar com a Bia ta :)
mas e isso,
Beijos :)
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