Depois eu escrevo comentando, hoje e aniversario de 6 meses dos pequeninos entao vamos comer boloooo :D mas ai estao algumas fotos, ainda tem algumas que eu queria colocar aqui :)
e eu de franjinhaaaa (de 10 anos. nao adianta. eu nao me convenco do contrario.) para todos matarem as saudades :P
beijos beijos amanha se for menos apertado que hoje eu comento em todas :D tenho tanto pra contar!!
I'll write later, maybe tomorrow if it's less work than today, about the pics, have so much to say. but these are some of the ones I wanted to share!! lovely place :)
Today's the twins' 6months bday, so there'll be cake :D :D (but they're sleeping already haha) (well, they weren't gonna eat it anyway..)
plus pics with the damn bangs. since it's what I was bugged about the most -.-
but they'll grow, I've patience :p
much looooove people of mine! =)